Read Alouds and Free Reading

We differentiate between books that we read aloud together and books that we read by ourselves. The books we read on our own are called “free reads.” Since none of the children are reading independently yet, they don’t have any favorites. We will add them as their skills progress. In the mean time, we do have lots of favorite read alouds!

Read Alouds

We advocate reading aloud to all ages! Morgan and Jessi always have a book or two that they are working through together. Morgan reads to the children before bed, and Jessi reads all of their school readings during the day. We do a lot of reading! We also use audiobooks. They count! Here are some of our favorites.

Picture Books for All Ages

Chapter Books for Kindergarten

Chapter Books for First Grade

Chapter Books for Second Grade

Chapter Books for Third Grade

Chapter Books for Fourth Grade
Books Jessi & Morgan Have Enjoyed Together